Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Phew, it's been a while! Field season is gearing up, so expect more updates soon!

Meanwhile, we haven't been very active outside during the winter, but that doesn't mean that other animals haven't been out and about. These tracks were left on a frozen wetland on the Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge.  Can you guess who made them?

(here's a hint: it's a rodent!)


  1. Is that a muskrat? How big are those tracks?

    1. Hi Mark, sorry for the delay! The tracks were about three to four inches long, so we're thinking they were actually left by a small beaver rather than a muskrat. They were a little tricky for ID because they were in snow that had been compacted, rained on, and refrozen into ice, so no tail drags were visible either.

      Thanks for your reply!
